Product Categories
- RF and Microwave Device Characterization Systems
- Amplifiers
- Calibration Kits
- RF & Microwave Adapters
- Microwave Cables

Manufacturer Links
Product Categories
- RF & Microwave Power Meters
- Analyzers
- Signal Generators
- Other Instruments

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Boonton PMX40 RF Power Meter – Fast, Simple, Accurate
The PMX40 provides design engineers and technicians the utility of a traditional benchtop instrument, the flexibility and performance of modern USB RF power sensors, and the simplicity of a multi-touch display built with Boonton award-winning technology.
Product Categories
- Satellite Link Emulators (Delay, Doppler, Etc.)
- Multi-Channel RF Up/Down Frequency Converters
- High Performance Synthesizers

Product Categories
- Ultra Low Phase Noise RF Synthesizers
- Phase Noise Test Systems & Components

Manufacturer Links
Product Categories
- Precision Programmable Noise Sources & Components from DC to Microwave
- Precision Jitter Sources